10 great innovations in sports

Sport brings a lot of benefits for players, including health and fitness. Therefore the human life are close with sports naturally.

Look back history of sports from the origin until now, we can see clearly changes and innovations. It’s also a good result of growth and advanced technologies which make our lives better and more modern.

In this article, we continue to refer great innovations in sports. Following it to understand more about growth of the human in sports.

3/ Radar gun in baseball

Baseball is one of the most popular sports in the world, update in 2020. It’s well-known wide in India, Iran, The USA, The UK so on.

Because it has a rich history, scientists are interesting in inventing equipment to serve competitions as well training course of athletes. The truth that radar gun is one of the greatest innovations in baseball.

In baseball, to determine winner, they will base on one pitch speed. So, the radar gun has been invented from this demand. Radar gun is extremely sensitive to check the starting pitcher as well speed of bat whether it’s right or not.

Since radar gun was invented, it becomes one of the most impressive things in general sport.

4/ Multi-faced clock in basketball

In basketball, clock is extremely important to follow the time-up correctly. As a traditional way, athlete would see unclearly at the corner of the court or a baseline three-pointer.

Nowadays, multi-faces clocks are great innovations so that players can see total view about time-up only by a glace, you can take action it carefully and effectively.

The fact that this model is lower from 4 or 3.5. It’s new version with three or four sides, so someone are asking special design to make unique brand of TV.