How are sports and technology good to work together?

Sports including a lot of subjects like football, including golfing, started to be caught up in the development and “invasion” of technology. It can be seen that in every aspect of life, technology can penetrate, not just sports.

But what is the beauty of sport? It is the admiration for the ability to handle, technical players. Strong opposition or strong agreement with the arbitration’s judgment or tingling stories about a situation where a shooting angle on television cannot express clearly.

For example, golf is also applied virtual golf room or equipment mounted on the sticks to analyze the shot of the player has created many objections. Those who disagree that technology will destroy the inherent nature of sport.

For more comments on this issue, I contacted a long-time golfer, to ask him if technology would change the nature of sport.

He shared with the general idea as follows: Technology or technology equipment, obviously they are very useful for sports players. If football has equipment for analyzing player scores, so does golf. Smart cameras, intelligent measuring devices have been developed and have been added to golf.

But they only stop at analyzing the swing or other factors during training. While playing, according to the expert, all must be removed from the game so that the true nature of golf is not affected.

“Using technology to serve during training is good, but used during competition, I do not support and do not want to bring them into golf”.


Thus, we can see, technology and sports and life can work together. But should only stop at a certain level. What happens when playing football, the decisions made by the machine to 100% accurate and we have no emotional moments in an argument?

Or like golf, thanks to the technology, the story goes exactly 1 stick and the ball will enter the hole will be easy because the equipment has analyzed it all to get this. Thereby the sport becomes more calculated and also loses the surprise and joy because in the past, not everyone had the opportunity to do this.